Uniform Motion Problem


Junior Member
Jan 31, 2006
Two mountain bikers started from the ranger station in the Cascade Mountains traveling in the same direction on the same road. The first biker left 1 hour earlier than the second and traveled 10 mph. The second biker left later and traveled 15 mph. By 4:00 p.m., the second biker had passed the first and was 5 miles ahead of the first biker. What time did the first biker leave the ranger station?

Heres my work...

Velocity Time Distance
First Biker 10 t-1
Second Biker 15 t +5

Equation I came up with...

15t + 5 = 10(t-1)
15t + 5 = 10t - 10
5 = -5t - 10
15 = -5t
t = -3

so the first biker would have left at 1:00 p.m. (4 - 3 = 1)

Does this sound correct or did I set up the formula improperly. If so, can someone tell me where I messed up?

Thank You!
No; not quite. Since speed = distance / time, then distance = speed * time:

1st biker: distance = 10(4 - t)
2nd biker:distance = 15(4 - t - 1) : left an hour later

Since 2nd biker is 5 miles ahead:
10(4 - t) = 15(3 - t) - 5 ; divide by 5:
2(4 - t) = 3(3 - t) - 1
8 - 2t = 9 - 3t - 1
t = 0 : so left at noon

Btw, IF your t = -3 was correct, then 1st biker left at 9am : capish?