formula rearrangement. y=x/x+1 need help.


New member
Nov 20, 2006
I can either muliply everything by x+1 and get yx+y=x or go the other way where you put a x on top of the y and get x/y=x+1.

I've tried them both but don't get the right answer which is x=y/y-1

have been working on this for 20 minutes but can't get an answer so I would be grateful if someone could post the calculation which I then can examine and understand it.
your "right answer" is in error ...

y = x/(x+1)

y(x+1) = x

xy + y = x

y = x - xy

y = x(1 - y)

y/(1 - y) = x
skeeter said:
y = x - xy

y = x(1 - y)

I don't really get the logic between these 2 steps. Is there a separate equation for them?

And yes, when i check it gain, your answer is right in my book.
distribute x in the following expression ...

x(1 - y)

what do you get?
I see...

Thanks for the help, I will use this as a key for the rest of the chapter.