simplifying (8a) / (a^2 - b^2) + (2a) / (a^2 - ab)


New member
Sep 28, 2008
I need help with this problem:


8a + 2a
__________ ______________
a^2-b^2 a^2-ab

So far this is what I have.
8a + 2a
___________ _____________
(a-b)(a+b) a(a-b)


Is this correct?
Re: help with simplifying

ptebwwong said:
I need help with this problem:


8a + 2a
__________ ______________
a^2-b^2 a^2-ab

So far this is what I have.
8a + 2a
___________ _____________
(a-b)(a+b) a(a-b)


Is this correct?

so...this is your problem:

   8a                2a
---------    +  --------
a^2 - b^2       a^2 + ab

You correctly factored the denominators, which is the first step in finding the common denominator:

      8a                 2a
-----------     +    -----------
(a + b)(a - b)       a(a + b)

Now...what is the common denominator for the two fractions?  It looks to me like the common denominator must contain these factors:  a (a + b)(a - b)

Your next step is to rewrite each fraction as an equivalent fraction with  a(a + b)(a - b) as its denominator.  To accomplish this, you'll need to multiply numerator and denominator of the first fraction by "a", and numerator and denominator of the second fraction by (a - b):

   8a(a)                 2a(a - b)
-----------     +   -----------------
(a+b)(a-b)a       (a+b)(a-b)a

NOW....the two fractions have the same denominator.  ADD the numerators, and put the result over the common denominator.

I will leave it to you to finish the problem.
Re: help with simplifying

Is the answer


What would the restrictions be for this problem?

Is this correct?

x does not equal 0
Re: help with simplifying

ptebwwong said:
Is the answer


What would the restrictions be for this problem?

Is this correct?

x does not equal 0

I think you are putting up solution for wrong problem (where did 'z' come from?)