Mean Value Theorem question


New member
Nov 13, 2013
The The Mean-Value Theorem guarantees there is at least one value of c on [0, 1] such that when

When I put this into the Mean Value theorem formula I got: 4=(4-0)/(1-0).

What does this mean?
The The Mean-Value Theorem guarantees there is at least one value of c on [0, 1]
such that

When I put this into the Mean Value theorem formula I got: 4=(4-0)/(1-0).

What does this mean?
daon2, *how* are you helping a student by telling her it's "bunk"

without explaining why with regards to the problem!?

kitkalin, did you make any errors in copying the problem?

The function you typed nowhere has a slope of zero. It has a constant slope of 4.