Triangle area


New member
Jan 1, 2015
In triangle ABC \(\displaystyle |AC|=27 cm,\, |BC|=29 cm \). P is a midpoint of \(\displaystyle \overline{AB}\). Determine the area of the triangle ABC if \(\displaystyle \,|CP|=26cm\).

I need some help over here, please. I don't have idea where to start from. I guess I should somehow get the length of \(\displaystyle \overline{AB}\). Then I would know to determine the are. But, I don't know what to do with those three values. Angles are not known, nothing. :confused:
In triangle ABC \(\displaystyle |AC|=27 cm,\, |BC|=29 cm \). P is a midpoint of \(\displaystyle \overline{AB}\). Determine the area of the triangle ABC if \(\displaystyle \,|CP|=26cm\).

I don't have idea where to start from.
Try drawing a picture of what's going on. See if that helps.

Also, are you working with geometry only, or are you doing trig, also? Thank you! ;)
Thank you everyone on your feedback! I found it really helpful what Denis wrote. I think I did it.