please help on angles


New member
Aug 19, 2005
can someone please tell me the difference between adjacent angles and linear pairs? my book is not specific at all...It says adjacent angles are angles in the same plane that have ac ommon vertex and a common side, but no common interior points? well, isn't it just a given that they don't share interior points? If they did, wouldn't they just be one big angle? And then for linear pairs it says they are adjacent angles whose noncommon sides are opposite rays? How is this possible? There is only one uncommon side, and they both share it. If they both have the common side of ab then there's only one other line left, and that's the one forming the angle?

Please, if someone could just clarify what the difference between the two angles is, I'd be so grateful...
Yeah, I understand now, thanks for the reply...linear pairs are supplementary and adjacent angles don't have to be...
Yes. But I think "linear pairs", not just being supplementary angles, are supplementary adjacent angles. That is, not only do their measures sum to 180°, but they share a side, so their outer rays ("sides") form a straight line. I don't think that, technically, any two supplementary angles would form a linear pair.
