Writing Two-Step Equations



The length of a rectangle is 5 more than twice its width. Its perimeter is 88 feet. Find its dimensions. Use P = 2L + 2w.
If you represent the width with "w", you can then represent the length in terms of "w". When it says the lengh is "twice the width", that would be 2w. Five more than that would be 2w + 5. You an now use the perimieter formula and solve for w. Can you take it from here?
CA GIRL said:
The perimeter formula, as the exercise stated, is "P = 2L + 2w". Where are you getting the extra five feet ("+5")?

Please review the tutors' suggestions. You need to define your terms. If "w" stands for "width", then how would you express length L in terms of the width w?

CA GIRL said:

88 feet= 2L + 2w + 5....now what?
You still haven't actually WRITTEN a definition. Trust me on this. Write it down, clearly.

What do you mean when you write "w"? "L"? "P"?