Strange math cube calles "suduko or so cube"



It's a math cube with 9 across and 9 down that must be filled like this
each row both up adn down needs to use the numbers 1-9?? Any body have any idea where to go ofor help or even have some? thanks H
The official name is sudoku (presently the world's most popular puzzle).

They are usually 9 rows by 9 columns (so 81 squares);
each row contains digits 1 to 9;
each column contains digits 1 to 9;
each 3 by 3 contains digits 1 to 9;
in some cases, each of the 2 main diagonals contains digits 1 to 9.

They are VERY addictive...I knowwwwww!

Do a search on "soduku": you'll get sites galore :wink:
My grocery store has a display of electronic Sodokus. $15 as I recall.
Gene said:
My grocery store has a display of electronic Sodokus. $15 as I recall.
Do you mix 'em with your cereals :shock: