Not sure what to call this one?


New member
Feb 5, 2006
I cant figure this out!


I want to use foil but that isnt right. I want to say the solution is -k+k-2

but the thing is I dont know where the k comes from in the middle? :roll:

Its the one answer on my sheet that looks like the only possible correct answer?
Flower9 said:
I cant figure this out!


I want to use foil but that isnt right. I want to say the solution is -k+k-2

but the thing is I dont know where the k comes from in the middle? :roll:

Its the one answer on my sheet that looks like the only possible correct answer?

Is the problem written exactly as given? If it is, then you need to recognize that that "-" between the two terms makes this a subtraction problem. The - is treated as -1 in this format:

(k - 5) - 1(k² + 3)

Now follow the usual method of multiplying the -1 times all terms inside the parentheses (following the order of operations, PEMDAS), removing the ( ).

Then simplify.
Flower9 said:
Its the one answer on my sheet that looks like the only possible correct answer?
Well, it's sure NOT! What are the other choices ?