Area of a square question?


New member
Feb 5, 2006
A square has an area of 16x^2+8xy+y^2. What is the length of a side of the square?

I wanted to say it was 4x+y?

Thank you for any help explaining this to me if this is wrong! :shock:
Flower9 said:
I wanted to say it was 4x+y?
Since the area A of a square with side length s is A = s<sup>2</sup>, and since you are given here that A = 16x<sup>2</sup> + 8xy + y<sup>2</sup>, you were exactly correct to find the perfect-square form and take the binomial as the side-length expression.

. . . . .A = s<sup>2</sup>

. . . . .A = 16x<sup>2</sup> + 8xy + y<sup>2</sup>

. . .. . . .= (4x + y)<sup>2</sup>

. . .. . . .= s<sup>2</sup>

. . . . .s = 4x + y

Good work!

Well, okay; yeah, the absolute-value bars would make the answer completely correct. :wink:

ABS, you know, you press the ABS in your calculator and it means absolute value. Sheesh!