confusing word problem for me



okay, it says The product of 2 consecutive even positive intergersis 120. Find intergers.can someone tell me what a consecutive interger is???
Andrea Herrera said:
okay, it says The product of 2 consecutive even positive intergersis 120. Find intergers.can someone tell me what a consecutive interger is???

Some consecutive integers are: 1,2,3,4,5 or 33,34,35
Some consectutive even integers are: 2,4,6,8,10 or 18,20,22

To do this problem start with a statement: Let x be an integer such that x is even, then two consectutive even integers can be said to be (x), (x+2).

Therefore x(x+2) = 120. So you need to find the two integers above, by first finding x.
WHY are you posting the same problem as ccastillo did? :evil: