need help with table of solutions for y = -7x - 4


New member
Sep 11, 2007
I was given an equation of y = -7x - 4. I have to complete a table which has already given me the values of (y). I need to find the values of (x) for each given value of (y). The given values of (y) are; -2, -1, 0, 1, 2. I tried plugging in the values of (y) into the equation but always end up with a fraction for an answer of (x). I don't know what to do. I have looked in book and can't find anything. can somebody help me please?

y = -7x - 4
-2 = -7x - 4 plug in given value of (y)
-2 + 4 = -7x - 4 + 4 add (4) to both sides to isolate variable
2 = -7x
2/-7 = -7x/-7 divide both sides by (-7) to isolate variable and solve
-2/7 = x answer
SO what's wrong with ending up with a fraction :?:
Your x = -2/7 is CORRECT :!:

You'll find it easier if you change the equation:
y = -7x - 4

7x = -y - 4

x = (-y - 4) / 7

so, with y = -2:

x = (-(-2) - 4) / 7
x = (2 - 4) / 7
x = -2/7