5a2 + 7a + 6b2 - 4b


New member
Feb 19, 2007
Hmmmm... I'm stuck on this one. I think I'm confusing my grocery list with basic algebra rules.

5a2 + 7a + 6b2 - 4b

I was first going to simplify the equation to 5a2 + 7a + 4b2... but now I can't get past the 5a2 and 7a. Don't want it solved - just a gentle nudge in the right direction
Lbrunsvold said:
5a2 + 7a + 6b2 - 4b
Does the above mean "5a^2 + 7a + 6b^2 - 4b", or something else?

What were the instructions?

What have you tried so far? How far have you gotten? (Please be specific.)

Thank you.

Yes - as you have it above. I am told the instructions simply ask you to solve... I guess that is where I'm having trouble. I'm just not sure where to work or what to work towards
Since you have one expression in two variables, even if they had given you the "equals" sign and whatever is on the other side of it (so you actually had an "equation"), there would be no way to solve this for a numerical answer.

