Split - 4th grade math problem please help


New member
Oct 12, 2010
algebraic expressions with two operations model each expression. (mx4)+7 action1 and action 2
kimberlsw said:
algebraic expressions with two operations model each expression. ? Is this one sentence ?

(mx4)+7 action1 and action 2

The Order of Operations tells us that we must begin inside the parentheses.

Therefore, in order to simplify the given expression, we must multiply the number m by the number 4 FIRST.

(Is this step supposed to be "action 1" ?)

This first step gets rid of the parentheses.

(Is writing the result without parentheses supposed to be "action 2" ?)

The simplified result is: 4m + 7

I'm not sure that I understand this exercise.

It does not seem to be a "pre-algebra" exercise. It seems to be algebra, to me.

I mean, algebra is where we first begin using letters of the English alphabet as symbols to represent numbers.

Are you certain that you typed this exercise exactly as it appears in your materials ?

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Cheers ~ Mark

i'm having problems using the actions as well with my 4th grader.

i posted above.