I am stump


New member
May 14, 2011
Two angles are complementary, The sum of the measure of the first angle and one-forth the second angle is 89.25 degree find the measures of the angles.
What is the measure of the smallest angle?
What is the measure of the other angle?
What does "Complimentary" mean in this context?

What are the names of your angles?

Hi Amelia. You did not ask any question of your own, so I'm not sure where you're stumped in this exercise.

In the future, it will save time for everybody involved, if you include some statements about why you're stuck or what you've thought about so far.

You should have already learned the definition of "complimentary angles".

It means any pair of angles that add up to 90 degrees, correct?

EGs: If one of the angles is 15 degrees, then the complimentary angle is (90 - 15) degrees.

If one of the angles is 77.5 degrees, then the complimentary angle is (90 - 77.5) degrees

Et cetera

:idea: With most word problems, we begin by assigning a symbol to represent an unknown number that we've been asked to find.

They first ask, "What is the measure of the smallest angle". So, that can be our unknown. Always write down your symbol definition (I picked x, but you can choose any symbol you like):

x = the measure of the smallest angle

Next, think: if one of the angles is x degrees, then the complimentary angle is written how? I mean, how can we symbolically express the other angle, using the symbol x?

Another relationship between the two angles (other than the fact that they are compliments) is stated in the given information, and this other relationship is what allows us to write an equation to solve. It says:

(angle measure) + 1/4*(complimentary angle measure) = 89.25

Are you good to go, now?

Please show how far you get, if you need more help, and try to ask specific questions. 8-)
