Geometry Help >>> Confused


New member
Sep 23, 2011
I need help answering the problem below.

Determine T(n) for n = 6, 7, & 8 - My answer for this part is T(6)=6, T(7)=7, T(8)=8

How would T(n) change if we ignore the vertices’ distinctness? That is, if we remove the labels, and say two triangulations are identical if one may be transformed into the other via a rotation or a reflection, how does this change T(n) for n = 4, 5, 6, 7, & 8?

If I ignore vertices distinctness of lets say T(6) and take the T(6) label off, Im trying to understand the change. I know that if the angles are congruent, the triangle can be flipped onto a triangle that have the same congruent angle. I think Im confusng myself.

Please help!
