Limit - Preliminary test for divergence or further testing


Junior Member
Mar 5, 2010
I'm using the preliminary test to determine if an infinite series is divergent or requires further testing.
Limit as n approaches infinity of 3^n/(2^n+3^n).
Looks to me like the denominator is always 2^n greater than the numerator so the limit is zero as n gets bigger and bigger.
The book says I am wrong - that the limit does not approach zero, but does not have an explanation.
Can anyone explain why this does not approach zero?
Thank you
I'm using the preliminary test to determine if an infinite series is divergent or requires further testing.
Limit as n approaches infinity of 3^n/(2^n+3^n).
When I taught this, I insisted that it be called the first test for divergent.
The sequence part of a series must be null, i.e. limit zero. Otherwise the series diverges,

That said, \(\displaystyle \dfrac{{{3^n}}}{{{2^n} + {3^n}}} = \dfrac{1}{{{{\left( {\frac{2}{3}} \right)}^n} + 1}} \to 1\)

Thus that series diverges.