How to solve question 13 n 14?


New member
Feb 23, 2014

I don't know how to get data from Q 13 n 14


The data comprises of

two speeds ............4 mph & 6 mph

one time.................45 minutes total

You need to find what?

Which equation/s you plan to use after getting the data?
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How many math classes do you skip?

That's a rhetorical, yes?

May be something other than skipping class (eg: taking wrong class, not enough homework assigned, substandard instruction or course design, language barrier, personal issues).
If you were "forced to take this subject" then someone thinks you need it. If you do not know why you should find out!

For the first problem, I presume that you know that "\(\displaystyle v= \frac{d}{t}\)" where v= velocity, d= distance traveled, and t= time taken. That is implied by the fact that we write velocity as "km per hour" or "km/h", as a fraction. Multiplying both sides by t, \(\displaystyle tv= d\) and then, dividing both sides by v, \(\displaystyle t= \frac{d}{v}\). I have "solved for t" because the problem gives information about the time: "the total journey takes 45 minutes" (or 3/4 hour).

So, taking d to be the distance from A to B, since he walked at v= 4 km/hr, the time taken is \(\displaystyle \frac{d}{4}\) hours. Walking back from B to A, since he walked at v= 6 km/hr, the time take is \(\displaystyle \frac{d}{6}\) hour. We are told that the total journey took 3/4 hour, we must have \(\displaystyle \frac{d}{4}+ \frac{d}{6}= \frac{3}{4}\). Solve that for t.

For the second, let the father's age, now, be "f". The son is 24 years younger so the son's age is f- 24. In two years, the father's age will be f+ 2 and the son's age will be (f- 24)+ 2= f- 22. The sum of their ages the will be forty: (f+ 2)+ (f- 22)= 40. Solve that equation for f.