Word Problem Involving Percents


New member
Apr 18, 2014
when the price of a box of peanuts is increased by 30% its sales decreased by x% such that the revenue decreased by 9%.what is the value of x?

when the price of a box of peanuts is increased by 30% its sales decreased by x% such that the revenue decreased by 9%.what is the value of x?
Pick a variable for the price; say, "p". One hundred percent of the price is "1*p", or 1p. What is "thirty percent more than the original price"?

The revenue is the product of the per-item price and the number of items sold. If the original sales were "s", what would be "x percent less than the 100% original amount"? What expression would represent the revenue?

Please reply showing your work and reasoning. Thank you! ;)