LP linear programming operational research help


New member
Apr 21, 2014
This is the question;

A new product, yfone, has just appeared on the market. A phone shop sells two models of yfone, model a and model b. Record shows that 2hrs of sales time are used to sell each model a yfone, and 3hrs for each model b yfone. A total of 500 hours of sales time is available for the next 4-week period.

At least 20 model b yfones are required to be sold during this period.

Besides the total number of sold model a should be at least twice the number of sold model b.

The shop makes £40 and £50 profit of model a and model b respectively

I need to identify the constraints this is what I have so far;

Max 40xa +50xb
S.t 2xa + 3xb <=500
2xa + xb <= ??
xb >=20

I am have problems with the 2nd constraint, any help would be much appreciated
Apologies for the 'yfones' my lecturer thinks he's funny ?