How to calculate next coordinate in this problem?


New member
Aug 28, 2014
Hello guys!

I'm programing a small app in Java.
The app needs to draw a line between two coordinates.

The given values I got:
coordinate_1 = x1,y1
the angel for the line = a
the length of the line = l

Is there a way to find out coordinate_2 = x2,y2?

Best regards
hello guys!

I'm programing a small app in java.
The app needs to draw a line between two coordinates.

The given values i got:
Coordinate_1 = x1,y1
the angel for the line = a ......... Relative to what?
the length of the line = l

is there a way to find out coordinate_2 = x2,y2?

Best regards

Hello guys!

I'm programing a small app in Java.
The app needs to draw a line between two coordinates.

The given values I got:
coordinate_1 = x1,y1
the angel for the line = a
the length of the line = l

Is there a way to find out coordinate_2 = x2,y2?

Best regards

One 'standard form' for a line is
y = y0 + tan(\(\displaystyle \alpha\)) (x - x0)
where \(\displaystyle \alpha\) is the angle of the line relative to a line parallel to the x axis, positive anti-clockwise as measured from the 'positive side'.