During calculating null space from rref matrix some rows are with 1 variable so it give this variable value of zero so...


New member
Oct 26, 2023
During calculating null space from rref matrix some rows are with 1 variable so it give this variable value of zero so the null space of rank deficient matrix be for example {-1,2,0,3,-4,0} my question is how to get rid of zeros in the null space solution and only solve it as basic and free variables so the null space contain any values except zeros for any of its variables thanks for your help in advance !
During calculating null space from rref matrix some rows are with 1 variable. So your matrix has variables? Maybe it might be wise of you to show us the problem. I am confused at to why you think that this variable would be 0.
As already pointed out, it is rude of you to expect us to know when one sentence ends and the other sentence starts. If you continue to write like that I know of two helpers here who will not help you any further. By the way, I will be one of them.