finding height of block, given weight, density, width, lengt


New member
Jan 24, 2007
A gold ingot weighs 100.5 lbs. If the density of gold is 19.37g / cm^3 (cubic centimeters) and the length and width of the ingot are 13.8 cm and 2.23 cm, respectively, what is the height of the ingot?

I have been messing with this for quite some time. I know the volume V = L x W x H, and the density D = M / V (mass divided by volume), so V = M / D and M = D x V. I have been filling in what i know and solving it that way but it is still wrong.

Any help appreciated.
Did you convert the "pounds" measure into "grams"?

OMG! I cannot believe I forgot to convert lbs to grams. What a mistake that was! Thanks!