Having trouble with algebraic fractions.


New member
Jan 6, 2007
I don't understand this type of problem very well, and am having trouble getting started with those that haven't been explained by the teacher already. Here are the instructions and examples (in italics); sorry, but there are quite a lot. Fractions will be represented by the division symbol.

a/c + b/c = a+b/c

a/c - b/c = a-b/c

<u>example one</u>
3c/16 + 5c/16 = 3c+5c/16 = 8c/16 = c/2

<u>example two</u>
2/x-3 + 7/3-x = 2/x-3 - 7/x-3 = 2-7/x-3 = -5/x-3

<u>example three</u>
a/4 - 5+12a/18 = a*9/4*9 - 2(5+12a)/18*2 = 9a-2(5+12a)/36 = - 5(3a+2)/36

<u>example four</u>
3/2x - 1/8x^2 = 3*4x/2x*4x - 1/8x^2 = 12x/8x^2 - 1/8x^2 = 12x-1/8x^2

<u>example five</u>
a-3/a^2-2a - a-4/a^2-4 = a-3/a(a-2) - a-4/(a-2)(a+2) = (a+3)(a+2)/a(a-2)(a+2) - a(a-4)/a(a-2)(a+2) = a^2-a-6-a^2+4a/a(a-2)(a+2) = 3a-6/a(a-2)(a+2) = 3(a-2)/a(a-2)(a+2) = 3/a(a+2)

Now we're done with that. Whew, lots of numbers to type. Okay... on to my question.

The problem is 2n/n^3-5n^2 + 2/n^2+5n.

I don't really get where to go from here. I know I need to find the LCD, but I'm not sure how on this one. Also, after that I'm pretty much lost as well... I've never been much of the fraction type. o_O

To anyone who can help, I greatly appreciate it.
Hi, yunaray89!

.....Assuming this is what you mean...

\(\displaystyle \L \;\frac{2n}{n^{3}\,-\,5n^{2}}\,+\,\frac{3}{n^{2}\,+\,5n}\,=\,?\)

Factor out \(\displaystyle n\) on the left:\(\displaystyle \L \;\frac{n(2)}{n(n^{2}\,-\,5n)}\,+\,\frac{3}{n^{2}\,+\,5n}\,=\,?\)

The \(\displaystyle n's\) on the left outside the parenthesis cancel, giving you:\(\displaystyle \L \;\frac{2}{n^{2}\,-\,5n\,}+\,\frac{3}{n^{2}\,+\,5n}\,=\,?\)

Our cd will be:\(\displaystyle \L \;(n^{2}\,-\,5n)\,(n^{2}\,+\,5n)\)

Which gives us: \(\displaystyle \L \;\frac{2 n^{2}\,+\,10n}{(n^{2}\,-\,5n)\,(n^{2}\,+\,5n)}\,+\,\frac{3n^{2}\,-\,15n}{(n^{2}\,-\,5n)\,(n^{2}\,+\,5n)}\,=\,?\)

We have a common denominator, use "addition rules for fractions and like terms". :idea:
yunaray89 said:
The problem is 2n/n^3-5n^2 + 2/n^2+5n.
That needs BRACKETS; like this:
2n / (n^3 - 5n^2) + 2 / (n^2 + 5n)

Simplify the left term:
2n / (n^3 - 5n^2) = 2n / n(n^2 - 5n) = 2 / (n^2 - 5n)
So we now have:
2 / (n^2 - 5n) + 2 / (n^2 + 5n)

= [2 (n^2 + 5n) + 2 (n^2 - 5n)] / [(n^2 - 5n) (n^2 + 5n)]

= (2n^2 + 10n + 2n^2 - 10n) / (n^4 - 25n^2)

= 4n^2 / [n^2(n^2 - 25)]

= 4 / (n^2 - 25)

= 4 / [(n+5)(n-5)]