How am I to find a range of a function?

Maybe you should graph g(x) and h(x) and then it should be clear what the segments should be. To be honest, you should be able to see the segments from f(x) itself.

One more thing, do you realize that g(x) + h(x) = f(x)? So in the end, don't write g(x) + h(x) =...., write f(x) = ....
(x+2)+(x-2) = x+2+x-2 = 2x
(-x-2)+(-x+2) = -x-2-x+2 = -2x

I am not sure for the intervals.
Why not (x+2) + (-x+2) and (-x-2)+(x-2) as well.

Step 1: Express |x+2| as a piecewise function.
Step 2: Express |x-2| as a piecewise function.

You did that in an earlier post. Good!

g(x) = {x+2 x≥-2 and -x-2 x<-2} and h(x) = {x-2 x≥2 and -x+2 x<2}

Now the definition for f(x) may change at the cut-off values. They are x=-2 and x=2.
This information gives us the needed segments. There are 3 of them.
x<-2, -2<x<2 and x>2.
Find the value for f(x) in each of those segments.
What does f(x) equal if x<-2?
What does f(x) equal if -2<x<2?
What does f(x) equal if x>2?
How did you get this? All I understand is that I have to add the piecewise functions.
Would you please stop with these very brief responses? No one has a clue where you are having problems because you say as little as possible. We have gone through 88 posts, and you keep asking DIFFERENT QUESTIONS with very few words about seemingly disparate topics.

All of a sudden, you were talking about composition of functions [imath]g \text { o } h \ (x)[/imath], which has no relevance to anything in this thread. It turned out what you meant was [imath]f(x) = g(x) + h(x)[/imath], which is not the same thing but also has no relevance. Now you ask about adding piecewise functions. Maybe that explains why you asked about functions that are sums of functions, but that is not what functions defined piecewise is about.

What is the meaning of the phrase “a function defined piecewise”? If you do not know what it means, you have wasted your time and ours. Of course, you might have asked what the phrase means and saved everyone a lot of effort.
@blamocur insisted on adding them. I am all right with the other questions, except this.
I was replying to you question from post #72:
But how would you write this as a piecewise function: f(x)=|x+2|+|x-2|
I have to admit that I share @JeffM's frustration. It looks like you are trying to guess the answer without trying to understand how things work. I can't figure out how to help you because I don't know what you've tried and what you do and do not know about the subject.
I broke up the number line at -2 and +2. Now why do you think I did that. You need to think long and hard why I did that.
Because it was not explained to me. I understand all the other points you have made except this one. Go on and start from scratch.
Starting from scratch.

Your ORIGINAL problem concerned finding the range of a real function defined over a closed domain. What is the range of f(x) defined over [a, b]?

Do you agree that was the general problem? Do you understand the problem? You can scarcely understand the answer if you do not understand the problem.

It was pointed out to you that such problems can easily be solved, at least approximately, with a graphing calculator. No muss, no fuss.

Do you understand that? You, however, wanted to know how to solve such problems analytically.

If f(x) is differentiable over (a, b), an obvious analytic method is to locate the extrema using calculus, calculate the value of the function at each extremum and at a and b, and list the minimum and maximum of the results.

Is there anything you do not understand about that? If so, where exactly are you lost?

Suppose f(x) is not differentiable over (a, b) but can be redefined into differentiable pieces. For example, a < c < b, g(x) is differentiable over (a, c), g(x) [imath]\equiv[/imath] f(x) over [a, c], h(x) is differentiable over (c, b), and h(x) [imath]\equiv[/imath] f(x) over [c, b]. For that example, calculate the range for g(x) over [a, c] and the range of h(x) over [c, b] and then take the minimum of the two ranges as the minimum for the range of f(x) and the maximum of the two ranges as the maximum for the range of f(x). You can generalize this method to as many pieces as are needed to find differentiable equivalents to f(x) over the entire interval of [a, b].

Do you understand fully? if not, where precisely do you lose track.

Now in fact, the set of exercises that you were asked to work on were far less general. They consisted of functions of the following form:

[math]f(x) = u(x) + |v(x)|, \text { over } [a, \ b].\\ \therefore \ f(x) = u(x) - v(x) \text { if } x \text { such that } v(x) \le 0.\\ \text { And } f(x) = u(x) + v(x) \text { if } x \text { such that } v(x) \ge 0.[/math]
Moreover, u(x) and v(x) were differentiable but linear and thus had no internal extrema. Therefore, f(x) was decomposable into at most two linear pieces with extremes at the boundaries. To find the boundaries of the pieces, all that was required was to find the zero of v(x) where v(x) is a linear function.

Where is your difficulty in understanding?