how many positive integers m are there such that m^2 + 2017 is a perfect square?


Junior Member
Aug 8, 2019
how many positive integers.jpg
the answer said 1 only, but I am interested in finding why.
I tried by using difference of two squares and moving stuff around like below but still feeling lost, please help thanks.
Hint: [imath]2017[/imath] is a prime number.
hi BBB, I check it is a prime number, but how does that help me in solving? does it mean there can only be one number that can be added to a prime number to make it square number?
I am sorry BBB I am very weak in Maths, I am not getting how that helps me, sorry sorry T-T can you re-explain
holy moly BBB and blamocur, on some paper scribbling now I got it
x+m must be 2017
x-m must be 1
solving simultaneously m equals to 1008
thankssss so much guys
Hii!! Can I ask how did y'all solve for 1008? Im a bit lost😓
x + m = 2017 .................................. (1)
x - m = 1 ...........................................(2)

add (1) & (2)

2 * x = 2018 → x= 2018/2 =1009.............................and

subtract (2) from (1)

2 * m = 2016 → m= ?.............................and

I believe you can now answer your own question now!!