How to Write These Elements of Sets?

2 divides by x
Not quite. Just "2 divides x".

Okay, 2|2?
Find all of them. Move on to the next statement.


Having done all that, what does [math]\land[/math] mean?
I agree with you. No argument from me.

And if this is a course in logic (or discrete math), that would be exactly the point of the question. How I wish I could see the context of questions like this, to be sure what is being tested. But this doesn't look like a question from a basic algebra course.

So the next question to ask is, When is an "if ... then" statement true?
AhAlhaimi, pka's point, and of everyone who agreed with him, is that the statement "if A then B" is true if both A and B are true or if A is false (and then it doesn't matter whether B is true or not). Both A= "x is odd" and B= "3 divides x" are true for x= 3 and x= 9 but "x is odd" is false for 2, 4, 6, and 8. If the statement were "x is odd and 3|x" then the answer would be {3, 9}.