Is there a contradiction here?


New member
Aug 14, 2020
Let v1,...,vk,u,w be vectors in linear space V.
Given that the equation: x1v1+....+xkvk=u has a single solution, and the equation: x1v1+....+xkvk=w has no solution.
Find the dimension of: Sp{v1,....,vk,w}

So what I don't understand here is if we look at the narrow coefficient matrix, from the first given equation we can conclude that non of the rows reset and v1,....,vk are linear independent, but from the second given equation we can conclude that one or more rows resent and that v1,....,vk are linear dependent. Isn't it a contradiction?
I don't know what you mean by "non of the rows reset" or by "one or more rows resent". I assume "non" was supposed to be "none" and "resent" was supposed to be "reset" again but I don't know what "reset" was supposed to be.

However the point is that if the vectors v1, v2, ..., vk span all of V then the equation a1v1+ a2v2+...+ akvk= v has a solution for all v. If they do not- either the vectors v1, v2, ..., vk are not independent or the vectors are independent but k is less than the dimension of V- then they span some subspace of V. a1v1+ a2v2+ ...+ akvk= u has a solution if u is in that subspace and does not if u is not in the subspace.
I don't know what you mean by "non of the rows reset" or by "one or more rows resent". I assume "non" was supposed to be "none" and "resent" was supposed to be "reset" again but I don't know what "reset" was supposed to be.

However the point is that if the vectors v1, v2, ..., vk span all of V then the equation a1v1+ a2v2+...+ akvk= v has a solution for all v. If they do not- either the vectors v1, v2, ..., vk are not independent or the vectors are independent but k is less than the dimension of V- then they span some subspace of V. a1v1+ a2v2+ ...+ akvk= u has a solution if u is in that subspace and does not if u is not in the subspace.

What I meant by reset is that a row in the matrix becomes all 0.