laws of exponents


New member
Jan 13, 2020
Hi i've just started algebra and now on the laws of exponents, i thought i understood but guess not. Which law is this and why does both convert into fraction form and then the number 1?



sorry i thought it will show the exponents, basically the first one is x with negative 1 exponent and the second is x with a negative 2 exponent. Hope you understand...
Consider the following rule for exponents:

[MATH]a^b\cdot a^c=a^{b+c}[/MATH] where \(a\ne0\).

And so using this rule, what do you get for your two expressions?
I think the first would be a and add the two exponents together and then you can multiply. Not sure about the a = 0
As long as both exponents are positive, then we can have \(a=0\), but \(0^b\) is only defined for \(0<b\).

So, let's look at the first one:

[MATH]x\cdot x^{-1}=x^1\cdot x^{-1}=x^{1-1}=?[/MATH]
Let's look at another example first so that we can see the rule.

By definition this means a3*a2=(a*a*a)(a*a) = a*a*a*a*a = a5. Now how to we get the power 5. Basically we added the 2 and 3. So let's do that with your problem.

Note that x=x1
For the first problem what is (1) + (-1)? Whatever that is, it will be the power of a. Can you finish up?
The rule that "anam= an+m" follows from "counting 'a's" as Jomo showed.

Of course that method cannot be used if n or m are not positive integers since we cannot have 0 'a's or -1 'a's.

But then we are free to define other powers of a any way we want. But it would be nice to define those other powers so that nice law, anam= an+m, is still true for other numbers.

0 has the property that, for any n, n+ 0= n. So we want to have ana0= an+ 0= an. As long as a is not 0, we can divide both sides by an. We can have that same rule true as long as a0= 1.

For any positive n, there exist -n such that n+ (-n)= 0. ana-1= an- n= a0= 1. Again, dividing both sides by an (again requiring that a is not 0) we have a-n= 1/an.

So x(x-1)= x1-1= x0= 1.

And x2(x-2)= x2- 2= x0= 1.
Thank you i now understand, it was quite easy when i think about it now...