please help me with this equation [I am in ss2a(simple equations with logarithm).]


New member
Sep 24, 2021
I need it before Sunday AKA" Friday work to be submitted on Monday not going to be available on Monday"
simplify: square root(log 729base y raise to power -6)raise to power 1/2
Do you mean,

Simplify [imath]\sqrt{\log_{y^{-6}} 729}^{\frac{1}{2}}[/imath]?​

Please follow the guidelines, by telling us something about what you are able to do, and where you need help:
i mean cube root apart from that the rest is correct
So you are asking about simplifying [imath]\left(\sqrt[3]{\log_{y^{-6}} 729}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}[/imath]?

Now please do as I asked, and show where you are having trouble, by showing your attempt or asking specific questions. You did read the guidelines, right? We aren't going to just give you the answer, and we can't read your mind (though we sometimes look like we can).

The hardest part more or less requires the change-of-base rule for logs. The rest is fairly straightforward.
An unrelated comment: Your "vote" at the top sounds like begging. If you are here and asking for help you are better than that.
