Rearranging Compton Formula


New member
Feb 1, 2021
Hi not sure which topic to put this in but I'd like to the rearrange the Compton Effect formula to make Energy in (E) the subject of the equation. Any help appreciated as I am stumped! Formula is given as below already pre simplified a bit:

y = (1+(E/511)(x))/E

I would like to rearrange to E =

Any ideas?

Full formula is as follows but I have already simplified it down to make the question simpler.

Eout = Ein/(1+(Ein/mc2)(1-cosTheta))
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[math]y = \dfrac{ 1 + \dfrac{Ex}{511} }{E}[/math]
Is this right?

The simplest thing to do would be to divide through by that E but let's take a look at the more "comfortable" way.

[math]yE = 1 + \dfrac{Ex}{511}[/math]
[math]yE - \dfrac{Ex}{511} = 1[/math]
[math]E \left ( y - \dfrac{x}{511} \right ) = 1[/math]
Can you finish?
