Seeking help finding inverse of a matrix

a33 is just a real number.
So if 6a33= 3a33, then a33 must be 0.

How can 6a33 and 3a33 both equal 1/2????

The only number that you can multiply by 3 and 6 and get the same answer is 0

The 2nd equation has the wrong matrix on the right side of the equal sign.
a33 is just a real number.
So if 6a33= 3a33, then a33 must be 0.

How can 6a33 and 3a33 both equal 1/2????

The only number that you can multiply by 3 and 6 and get the same answer is 0

The 2nd equation has the wrong matrix on the right side of the equal sign.
Sorry, it will be 6a33= 3.
You need to continue reducing the left matrix until you get to the identity matrix. The right hand matrix will be the inverse.