two rays are drawn from c to pts A1, A2 in plane alpha, B1, B2 in plane beta.


New member
Nov 24, 2023
Through point C, which does not belong to two parallel planes α and ẞ, two rays are drawn that cross plane a at points A1 and A2, and plane ẞ - at points B1 and B2.

It is known that A1C=8 cm, B1B2=18 cm, A1A2=C B1. Find A1A2 and A1B1. (Make a drawing yourself.)
Through point C, which does not belong to two parallel planes α and ẞ, two rays are drawn that cross plane a at points A1 and A2, and plane ẞ - at points B1 and B2.

It is known that A1C=8 cm, B1B2=18 cm, A1A2=C B1. Find A1A2 and A1B1. (Make a drawing yourself.)

Please reply with a clear listing of your thoughts and efforts so far (perhaps starting with the drawing you made), so we can see where things are going sideways. ("Read Before Posting")

Thank you!
Through point C, which does not belong to two parallel planes α and ẞ, two rays are drawn that cross plane α at points A1 and A2, and plane ẞ - at points B1 and B2.

It is known that A1C=8 cm, B1B2=18 cm, A1A2=C B1. Find A1A2 and A1B1. (Make a drawing yourself.)
Don't be afraid to make a drawing; you won't, in the end, need any 3D drawing skills. Just make a rough sketch (remembering that the planes are parallel -- I initially missed that! -- and use what you learn to make a better drawing. Then look for similar triangles ...