What is the largest integer number a for which a³ + 25 is divisible by a + 5?


New member
Apr 29, 2023
I've been trying to do this one for 2 hours already:

What is the largest integer [imath]a[/imath] for which [imath]a^3 + 25[/imath] is divisible by [imath]a + 5[/imath]?

i've no idea of what to do
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I've been trying to do this one for 2 hours already:

What is the largest integer [imath]a[/imath] for which [imath]a^3 + 25[/imath] is divisible by [imath]a + 5[/imath]?

i've no idea of what to do
You know that [imath]a^3 + 25[/imath] is a sum of cubes. You know that a sum of cubes will factor. After you applied the factorization formula and did the indicated division, what was your result and what were your thoughts?

Please be complete. Thank you!

I've been trying to do this one for 2 hours already:

What is the largest integer [imath]a[/imath] for which [imath]a^3 + 25[/imath] is divisible by [imath]a + 5[/imath]?

i've no idea of what to do
Have you tried polynomial division ?

What is the remainder of that division?