You May Want to Check Your Profile Page


Super Moderator
Oct 6, 2005
Members who joined the forum before the software changed to XenForo (February 17, 2019, at 1800 hours PST) ought to check information they had previously added to their profile page. Those fields have changed a bit, so some text may lack context in the new display. For example, there was an 'Interests' section on the old system, but it doesn't exist anymore. Any text in that old field has been combined with text in the section which was previously labeled 'Biography'.

To view personalized profile-text (or to check whether you have any), go to your profile page and click the 'About' button. You can get to your profile page by clicking (or hovering over) your username, followed by clicking your username on the pop-up hovercard or menu.

To add or edit personalized text, click your username button on the front page (upper right). In the pop-up menu, select 'Account details'.


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