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    \frac{2}{28} \frac{2 \times 4}{28 \times 27} Right/wrong/both/neither?[/imath]
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    Agent Smith reacted to blamocur's post in the thread Laplace Transforms with Like Like.
    Limits are in the formal definitions of both definite integrals and derivatives. But more to the point: \int_a^\infty f(x) dx =...
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    Agent Smith replied to the thread 0.999....
    Pythagoras, a charlatan?! 😄 Per the linked article on commensurability, incommensurability(a, b) = the nonexistence of a real c, and...
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    Agent Smith reacted to fresh_42's post in the thread 0.999... with Haha Haha.
    Yes, that's another issue. The digits depend on the number system that we use. Ok, \pi is unpredictable in every system, but...
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    fresh_42 replied to the thread 0.999....
    Yes, that's another issue. The digits depend on the number system that we use. Ok, \pi is unpredictable in every system, but...
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    Agent Smith replied to the thread 0.999....
    As you so correctly pointed to and I must admit, 0.14159... = \frac{14159...}{1000...} is not something I've seen in my mathematical...
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    fresh_42 replied to the thread 0.999....
    You really cannot deal with infinities as if they were numbers. And dots require a definition, or in many cases a convention we all...
    • 1713489047071.png
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    Agent Smith replied to the thread 0.999....
    @fresh_42 , the above would be incorrect? 🤔 unless there's an infinity that begins 14159... and another infinity that begins 999.... 3...
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    fresh_42 replied to the thread 0.999....
    De nada.
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    fresh_42 reacted to Agent Smith's post in the thread 0.999... with Like Like.
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    Agent Smith replied to the thread 0.999....
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    Agent Smith reacted to fresh_42's post in the thread 0.999... with Like Like.
    This is only valid if we speak of p-adic numbers. Those are a bit like Parias in mathematics...
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    fresh_42 reacted to Agent Smith's post in the thread 0.999... with Like Like.
    Si, in this case the dots have nothing to do with \infty and represent only missing information.
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    Agent Smith replied to the thread 0.999....
    Si, in this case the dots have nothing to do with \infty and represent only missing information.
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    fresh_42 replied to the thread 0.999....
    This is only valid if we speak of p-adic numbers. Those are a bit like Parias in mathematics...