trying to create formula for re-order levels and re-order quantities badly need help


New member
Apr 24, 2017
I am trying to introduce re-order levels and re-order quantities for a small business and I am getting nowhere and would welcome advice from somebody who could understand and help. I have tried to attach a simple excel spreadsheet but the site won't let me update as it is not the right format ? so I have cut and pasted below. The formula seems to work in a simple form but when it comes to re-order quantity the simple formula doesn't stand up. I am sure I am not making any sense but have a look below :mad::mad::mad:

ACTUAL CALCULATIONre-order level is driven by lead time demand and safety stock
lead time demand = lead time in days x daily sales
stock on hand40.00
allocated10.00If you hover over the inputs there are comments. Where I am running into trouble is
back order0.00setting the re-order quantity. So in the example here we have 40 in stock and
forward order0.0010 allocated so free stock is 30. Using Lead time Demand and safety stock which is the
available stock30.00normal formula used it works out that you have now fallen below rol which is set at 37
qty on order0.00If things go as predicted you will use 1.33 x 7 days before the stock arrives so you are back to expected
lead time7.00stock. My problem is where somebody now orders another 20 after the original 10. We now have 10 left in
monthly usage40.00available stock and only 10 on order but using the fomula below it would now only order the re-order qty again
daily usage1.33which is set to 10 (9.33) thus now allowing for the full 20 ordered so the formula it too simplistic.
lead time demand9.33does that make any sense at all to you !!!!!!
safety stock27.69
the formula needs somehow to get the stock back up to the re-order level
re-order level37.03
re-order qty9.33