Please check


New member
Jun 5, 2005
One leg of a right triangle is 12. The hypotenuse is three times more than twice the other leg. Find the deminsions of the triangle. (Use Pathagorean theorem)

Here is what I get:
144 + x^2 = 4x^ + 12x + 9
3x^2 + 12x - 135
(3x + 27)(x - 5) = 0
3x + 27 = 0 or x - 5 = 0
3x = -27 or x = 5
x = -9

One leg is 12 (given), the other leg is 5, and the hypotenuse is 13. Thanks in advance!
I was a bit confused at first, but I'm guessing it is supposed to say that the hypotenuse is three more, instead of three times more. Good job on the work you showed.