word prob to confusing for me... help please


New member
Aug 31, 2005
Joe has $3.75 in quarters,dimes and nickels. He has twice as many quarters as dimes and three more dimes than nickels. Find how much of each coin Joe has.

This is driving me crazy any help please???????
kris10 said:
Joe has $3.75 in quarters,dimes and nickels. He has twice as many quarters as dimes and three more dimes than nickels. Find how much of each coin Joe has.

d = dimes
2d = quarters : twice as many quarters as dimes
d-3 = nickels : three more dimes than nickels

.10d + .25(2d) + .05(d - 3) = 3.75
you can multiply that by 100 to make it easier to solve:
10d + 25(2d) + 5(d - 3) = 375

Can you finish it?
Denis said:
10d + 25(2d) + 5(d - 3) = 375

Expanding all terms
10d + 50d + 5d -15 = 375

65d = 375+15

65d = 390

d = 6

Can you atleast take it from here??Now all you have to do to find the remaninig numbers is to put the value of d into the equations you have for the other coins.
no.. im very frustrated . They do not teach us in school how do to this . its in a work book for the upcoming year. thank you for your help though. i just do not get where to put the other numbers .
Denis said:
kris10 said:
Joe has $3.75 in quarters,dimes and nickels. He has twice as many quarters as dimes and three more dimes than nickels. Find how much of each coin Joe has.

d = dimes
2d = quarters : twice as many quarters as dimes
d-3 = nickels : three more dimes than nickels

.10d + .25(2d) + .05(d - 3) = 3.75
you can multiply that by 100 to make it easier to solve:
10d + 25(2d) + 5(d - 3) = 375

Can you finish it?

We already know d = 6

Quarters = 2d = 2x6 = 12
Nickels = d-3 = 6-3 = 3 See above
thank you very much I appreciate all your help : )i POSTED ANOTHER PROB UNDER OTHEr MATH STUFF IF U WANNA LOOK AT IT CUS THE OTHER GIRL THAT LOOKED WAS A MEANIE HAHA sorry didnt mean the caps
HEY! Eliz is NOT a meanie (the rod she uses is a wet noodle) :)