Algebra Word Problem on Numbers


Junior Member
Sep 14, 2005
Find all numbers with the property that when the number is added to itself them sum is the same as when the number is mulitplicated by itself.

Can any one give me any direction on how to start this word problem?
Hello, rachael724!

Find all numbers with the property that when the number is added to itself,
the sum is the same as when the number is mulitplied by itself.

Can any one give me any direction on how to start this word problem?
Let x = the number.

We are told that: .x + x .= .(x)(x)

We have the (quadratic) equation: . 2x .= .x<sup>2</sup>

Can you finish it now?
Thanks I am confused by what is it asking, mostly when it says find all numbers, do I just start plugging in numbers or what?
rachael724 said:
do I just start plugging in numbers or what?
No. Solve the provided quadratic equation.

Man this is racking my brain. I wish I could scan my scratch paper so you all could see it..............
Just type out what you've tried.

What soroban gave you is the quadratic equation
That factors into
you should definitly know that that means x = 0 or x=2
Those are the only two numbers that work
0²-0=0 or
That's what your scratch paper should say.
How do you know those are the only 2 numbers that work. I am trying to write a report on this to show the person I am tutoring. I want to show it in detail how to solve this problem and how to come up with the equation and I am stumped.
Read what soroban said. He used an x, which can be any number, did what the problem said and came up with an equation which has only two answers.
Gene, I understand this. So do I just do the steps Sorban used? I mean they don't go into great detail.
Since we aren't in your class and can't see your book, we can't "know" what you're supposed to be doing.

Soroban has provided you with a fully-worked solution, showing all of his reasoning. If you have a question about his work, please specify what it is.

If you are supposed to be using some other methodology, you'll need to tell us what that is.

Thank you.

Ok well what I am trying to do if just explain how to get that answer. and then show how to check it. I just need to write it out in detail. I understand this question probably doesn't have much though.
You've been provided with the fully-worked solution and a complete explanation; the whole thing has been done for you. What do you still need?

Until you specify where you are stuck or what you're asking for, we can't tell what more you're expecting from us. Sorry.

Then you need to read the replies you've been given, because, as has been mentioned, this has already been done completely.

I know it has been done completely, you are not understanding what I am asking. I need to write out with actual words how to set up and solve this problem, then I need to write out in actual words how to check the answer.
You have me lost, too. Rachael, it's done, finished, terminated. OK?
If you know the material so poorly that you can't take the fully-worked and fully-explained solution and put it into your own words, then I'm afraid you need greater help than we are capable here of providing. Sorry.

You might want to ask your parents about hiring a tutor for you, local to your area, so you can spend a few hours a week in face-to-face, one-on-one sessions, getting yourself caught up.

My best wishes to you.
