Combining like terms



The combining like terms section that is already on this site was very helpful, but I still need more info!

Lets say the expression is: 7 + 10x - x + (-x) and you need to simplify it.

What do I do with the lone x's? I know I am supposed to somehow combine them with the 10x but I don't exactly know what to do! Also.. I don't know when I am supposed to add or subtract the like terms. Please help me soon: This homework is due tomorrow!
+ (-x) = -x

So you have

7 + 10x - x -x

=7 + 10x -2x

= 7+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x-x-x


10 lots of x, subtract 2 lots of x, how many lots of x left?
ok the expression u have up there is 7 + 10x - x + (-x)

which is equal to 7 + 10x - x - x

so for (10x - x -x) you could say
"10 apples minus 1 apple minus 1 apple".... so how many apples do u have? 8!

so 10x -x -x = 8x and the 7 just goes for the ride and u get

7 + 8x

OK... I think I understand what you guys are saying. Another one:
8x - 6 + x - 1 simplified would be 9x - 7?