Did I do this right?


Junior Member
Sep 14, 2005
The publisher's fixed costs for the production of a new HTML handbook are $49,400. Variable costs are $4.40 per book. If the book is sold to bookstores for $9.60 per book, how many must be sold by the publisher to break even?

Answer? 9200
N = The number of books required to break even.

Now you set up the equation that will help us find "N".
Two pieces:

Total Cost of Prodution
Total Revenue from Sales

Each has its own expression in terms of "N". Think them through and write them down.
Please review the tutor's explanation.

TKH said that your expression for the total cost would have two pieces; yours has only one. TKH defined a variable "N"; you used an undefined variable "x". What does "x" stand for? What does "49400x" mean?

Please reply with clear statements of your work and reasoning. Thank you.

Staple can youstop picking on me and just help me. I am struggling. I am wanting to knwo what I have to mulitply the $49,400 by to get the answer.
I'm sorry you view suggestions and hints on how to proceed as being "picked on". I'm not sure what you expected from tutors, but if you thought we would be doing your homework for you, instead of providing you hints and suggestions, then I'm afraid you may be disappointed.

To answer you most recent question: You shouldn't be multiplying the 49400 by anything.

I need to learn how to do this myself so I will be successful on tests ans quizes. I just need help setting up the equation. I guess I miss understood how to set it up. I want to sovle it myself just need help setting up the equation to do so.
You are not being picked on. Look up "Enquiry-Based Education" when you get a few hours to read.

N = The number of books required to break even.

Cost to Produce N Books is right in the problem statement

$49,400 + $4.40*N

Total Revenue from Sales of N books


One more thing. What does "Break Even" mean. It is NOT defined in the problem statement. You are expected to know it for yourself or reason it out. It isn't fair if I have to tell you.