is this answer right


New member
Nov 9, 2005
A rectangle has a perimeter of 36 cm and an area of 99 sq cm. Then the length of the smaller side of the rectangle is, in cm,

Check your problem, Smitty; no solution the way it is.

Make it maximum with a 9by9 square (perimeter = 36, right?);
area = 9 * 9 = 81; where does your 99 come from?
ryansmith069 said:
opps my bad, is it 6?

Please proof the exercise and reply with any necessary corrections and showing your work. Thank you.

Pick variables for the length and width; say, "L" and "w". Plug them into the "perimeter" equation. Plug in the given value for "P".

Solve this equation for one of the variables; say, solve it for L in terms of w.

Write down the area equation. Plug in the expression for L in place of the variable, and plug in the given value for the area. This gives you a quadratic equation.

Solve for the value of the variable. Back-solve for the other dimension.

As noted by the other tutor, you won't get a real-valued solution.

You've been told twice now that either there is a problem with the exercise (a typo or something) or else that there is no solution, and you keep posting numbers with no work shown.

Are you just posting random characters, waiting for somebody to give you a complete solution to copy into your homework?

If so, then please wait until that tutor, who appears now to be online, comes back with the solution. If not, then please read the replies you have received, and show what you have done.

Thank you.
