is this right



i think the answer is A= square root 175, but im not sure of that.can u help me if i have gotten the wrong answer is there more to do? am i finish with this problem?

A 16-foot guywire reaches from the top of a pole to a point on the ground 9 feet from the bottom of the high is the pole?

A to the second power + 9 to the second power=16 to the second power
a to the second power +81=256
you bring down the a to the second power
-81 -81

A=175 am i right?

thank you :shock:
Adalia said:
A to the second power t + 9 to the soncond power=16 to the second power
Do you mean the following?

. . . . .A<sup>2</sup>t + 9<sup>2</sup> = 16<sup>2</sup>

If so, how do "A" and "t" relate to the given exercise?

Please reply with a clear listing of your steps and reasoning, starting with the picture you drew and the definitions for the variables you chose.

Thank you.

It is with out the t.
A 16-foot guywire reaches fromthe top of a pole to apoint on the ground 9 feet from the bottom of the pole.How high is the pole?

a ^2 + b^2 = c^2

a ^2 +81=256
-81 -81

a=175 am i right