Arrival time, given that Paris time is 9 hours behind



What is the arrival date and time in Paris for this trip, given that Paris time is 9 hours behind San Francisco time?

Depart Arrive Departure date Departure time Length of time
San Francisco Paris 22/02/04 0530 23 hr 40 min

My answer is 22/02/02 at 1640h...

Is this correct?
It's not what I get, but the problem is misleading.
When it is noon in SF it is 9 PM in Paris. I would consider that Paris is 9 hours ahead of SF, not behind.
The date given is dd/mm/yr. You arrive two years earlier than you left. That's FAST!
Change your watch to Paris time when you start then add 1 day minus 20 min to that time.
...or why don't you simply subtract 9 hours fron the SF arrival time?
Hmmm, because he is departing SF and subtracting 9 hours (as the problem suggests) would give the time in the Gobi desert. He may as well set his watch to where he is going.