Reading scales: what is the weight of 1/5 pound of....


New member
Jul 20, 2006
I am stuck on this problem & I just can not figure it out. The problem is reading a digital scale. How do you figure out this:

What is the weight of 1/5 pound of reggianno chese on a digital scale?

I came up with one answer & the answer in the book is totally different it is 00.20. I now understand that Math is like a building blocks you have to know each step before moving on to understand the big picture of Math.

Thank you for your help
Assuming the units are the same, then the digital scale, working in decimals, will display the fractional value as the corresponding decimal value. So convert "one-fifth" to the decimal form.

stapel said:
Assuming the units are the same, then the digital scale, working in decimals, will display the fractional value as the corresponding decimal value. So convert "one-fifth" to the decimal form.


Thank you Eliz.

Your help is very much appreciated.