Properties Identification: Associative, Commutative

John Whitaker

Junior Member
May 9, 2006
If you please:
The original expression is: ( x + 5 ) + y
One of the following is supposed to be Associative, and the other, Commutative.
x + (5 + y )
x + (y + 5 )
Is there anything that pinpoints the difference? They both look the same except for flipping the terns inside the parentheses.
Thank you.
John Whitaker
Associative - Grouped Differently
Commutative - In a Different Order
John Whitaker said:
Thank you, but that doesn't help.
Why not? Follow through, step-by-step, and apply the definitions provided.

In going from the first expression to the second expression, what changed? What rule corresponds to that change? In going from the second expression to the third expression, what changed? What rule corresponds to that change?
