describe in words the graph of the curve of y = x^2 - x

So you've drawn the graph, found the x-intercepts, located the "turning point(s)" (where the graph goes from going up to going down, or vice versa), zoomed out to examine the "end behavior", and... then what? Where are you stuck?

Please be specific. Thank you.

I think the graph of that curve looks really cool. It makes me feel as if the world can be a better place -- everything in order, all smoothly connected in an unquenchably thirsty hierarchy of love from one eternity to another.

Any particular sort of description you had in mind?

Here is my description of Y=X^2-X

The graph is a parabola that opens upwards, and has a focus of (1,0) along x-axis.

Please let meknow if it is the right description.
runlemmingsrun said:
Please let meknow if it is the right description.
Only you know the types on information included in the descriptions in your text and/or in your class. We can't know if you have provided the information which your instructor is expecting.

However, since you haven't mentioned end behavior, vertices, intercepts, or the like (as were mentioned earlier), one would wonder if you have done enough. But, as I said, only you were in your class and have your book, so only you would really know what your instructor wants. You may already have enough.
