imaginary number i: What does i + i^2 + i^3 +...+ i^49 equal


New member
Sep 28, 2006
The imaginarry number i is defined such that i^2 = -1 What does i + i^2 + i^3 + ...+ i^49 equal?
What have you tried? Where are you stuck?

Please be specific. Thank you.

dede said:
I need help! not questions
I'm stuck on this problem!
It is difficult to help if the tutors do not know where you are stuck. For instance, have you not encountered the number "i" before? Are you needing to start with an explanation of that? Or are you comfortable with imaginaries and complexes, and have simplified the first few terms, but are needing assurance that you're correct on the pattern that you think you see?

Thank you.

dede said:
I need help! not questions
I'm stuck on this problem!
Part of the learning of mathematics is learning how to think. Questions work directly toward this goal. You, as the student, are not a good judge of what it is that you need. Sorry.

Answer the question. Have you met 'i'? What is it? What is \(\displaystyle i^{2}\)?

We must have a clue how to help you. We can't have a clue unless you give us one.

Welcome, by the way.