help with solving quadratic equations: (x - 4)^2 = 3


New member
Oct 6, 2006
Solve (x – 4)^2 = 3

I have x-4^2=3

I know 19-16=3 but there is no squareroot for 19 right?
You're off base. Let's see what we can do.

Solve: \(\displaystyle (x-4)^{2}=3\)

Take square root of both sides:

\(\displaystyle (x-4)=\sqrt{3}\)

Add 4 to both sides:

\(\displaystyle x=\sqrt{3}+4\)

Don't forget \(\displaystyle 4-\sqrt{3}\) is a solution also.

There ya' go.
\(\displaystyle \L (x-4)^2 = 3\)

"un"square both sides ...

\(\displaystyle \L x-4 = \pm \sqrt{3}\)

add 4 to both sides ...

\(\displaystyle \L x = 4 \pm \sqrt{3}\)

understand that you got two solutions?
Thank you

Thank you. I was way off. I appreciate your help. Here is another one
Solve. 5(x – 2)^2 = 3. When you do this one is it 5 times x^-2^2=3. Boy I wish I understood this stuff but I don't